Sunday, May 3, 2015

AES Protected HTML Page Creator

Hello, I have just created a password protected HTMLfile creator which allow user to encrypt their HTML file using AES Encryption. To create the protected file, you will need to enter an encryption password and insert the source HTML code. Then click on Encrypt...

Layout of the HTML script.

Enter the Password and Source Code, click on Encrypt to encrypt the source data

 Screenshot display the encrypted source and also a HTML loader to decrypt the data

Click on "Download" to download the file for testing.

This is the HTML loader, you will need to enter the correct password in order to open the document.
Script also display the SHA256 hash of the document.

It will display the HTML file if correct password is entered.

This the a case where password is entered wrongly.

File can be downloaded at or direct download the file HERE

Friday, April 3, 2015

SecureMail (VB.NET) - Source Code

As mentioned in my previous post, I would like to share my Secure Email application source code that I have written in VB.NET (v12). The application allow use to send secured email via web mail (Gmail/Hotmail). It also include features such as checking attachment with VirusTotal for potential malwares. I did this application in a rush for class project so may not be perfect but at least it works. Functions use were asymmetric & symmetric encryption, hashing, compression etc). Refer to manual within the source.

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Monday, March 2, 2015

SecureMail Application (VB.NET)

I have wrote my first VB.NET application on Secure Email. The purpose of this application is to send/receive secure email with free web email account such as Gmail, Outlook or Yahoo. This application also hash the attachment file and check it against VirusTotal database for potential unwanted software or malware. 

The application will be using the built-in encryption services of VB.NET like SymmetricAlgorithm, HashAlgorithm, RSACryptoServiceProvider and SignHash for (Symmetric / Asymmetric encryption, digital signing email content and hashing of files). Different from other email application, this application actually encrypt all messages downloaded from inbox with Rijndael (AES 256) encryption. 

Sending of Email (Application Flow chart)
Sending of Email (Application Flow chart - More technical)

Receiving of Email (Application Flow chart)

Receiving of Email (Application Flow chart - More technical)

Below are some other screenshots of the application

Will be releasing my source code of SecureMail soon in dropbox for purpose of learning only. Stay tuned.

Support my page by liking it for encouragement of more free application..

Binary can be downloaded at (For Windows 7 or above with VB.NET Framework 4.5